शीतक्राम (जल नेती ) कपालभाति  के लाभ

शीतक्राम (जल नेती ) कपालभाति के लाभ

शीतक्राम कपालभाति शीतक्राम कपालभाति जल नेती, जिसे नेती क्रिया भी कहा जाता है, एक प्राचीन प्राणायाम तकनीक है जो स्वास्थ्य...

Anti-aging face yoga kriya and benefits

Anti-aging face yoga kriya and benefits

व्युत्क्रम कपालभाति व्युत्क्रम कपालभाति, जिसे जल कपालभाति भी कहा जाता है, एक प्राणायाम अभ्यास है जो श्वास क्रिया और जल...

Method and Advantage of Rubber Neti Yoga

Method and Advantage of Rubber Neti Yoga

Rubber Neti Yoga is a modern adaptation of the traditional Neti practice, which originated in ancient India as a part...

Salamba Shirshasana

Salamba Shirshasana

Salamba Shirshasana in , commonly known as Supported Headstand. It is a yoga posture where you invert your body and...

Anulom Vilom Pranayam Steps and benefits

Anulom Vilom Pranayam Steps and benefits

Anulom Vilom Pranayama, otherwise called substitute nostril breathing, is a yogic breathing method that helps balance the progression of energy...

kapalbhati steps advantages and precautionary measures

Kapalbhati, a breathing procedure got from old yoga rehearses, is prestigious for its horde medical advantages. Meaning “skull sparkling breath”...

तितली आसन करने का तरीका और फायदे

तितली आसन, जिसे बटरफ्लाई पोज़ के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, एक सुंदर और लाभकारी योग आसन है जो एक...