When thinking about the constituents of human body, one thinks casually only about its physical parts like bones, flesh, skin and arteries, whereas a microscopic examination of parts of body reveals that there are many more elements in the body. Under microscope, a drop of blood shows numerous living particles in motion. Each one amongst these particles is propelled by energy for its animation (Chaitanya Shakti). In spite of their apparent variation in shape and size, each of these particles possesses the same element of life. The existence of same element of life in the different units of living cells in a person itself is responsible for their agglomeration into the whole body of man. In the same way, in the variety of flora and fauna of biological kingdom of this planet too, there are units (cells) having the same element of life.
The presence of units of this one life element everywhere in all living beings, is also the reason for their being interactive. This interactivity itself induces the natural dynamics of life in plants and animals for their growth and makes them interdependent for survival. Had this Super Energy been absent, all living beings would have remained in a state of detached, inactive and immobile existence. In the parlance of spirituality, this Super Element of life is known as “Prana”. People address it by various names like “Human bioelectricity” or “Bio- electromagnetism”, “working power of body” (Kriya Shakti) etc.
his energy of Prana promotes growth in the living beings and replenishes the elements of deficiencies experienced during course of its development. Rejuvenation of damaged cells in the body exemplifies this phenomenon. When skin is damaged on account of a wound it is this energy of Prana which helps the body in recuperating the loss. In the earlier articles in this series it has been demonstrated how one can cure a disease by potentiating the Prana energy of some diseased person with the help of one’s own energy. We shall now discuss how one can get relief from one’s own infirmity and disease by potentiating personal Prana energy.
A weak infirm individual is regarded as a half- sick patient. Many small disorders in a physically weak body manifest as several minor diseases in various organs of the body. Infirmity brings with it many ailments like loss of appetite, indigestion, nonchalance in attitude, inactivity, dullness, lethargy, unsteadiness in gait, frequent pain in head and waist, abnormal tiredness after little strain, dryness in throat, inflammation in eyes etc. Such disorders disappear as soon as the body becomes strengthened on restoration of requisite level of Prana energy.
One can become healthy and strong and get rid of common ailments by building up a sufficient reserve of Prana energy by carrying out the following exercises:
1. Collect Prana Energy While Drinking and Eating
Elements of all eatables required for sustenance of life contain Prana energy. Water should not be consumed by gulping it hurriedly. It should rather be sipped slowly, as one drinks milk or tea. While drinking water, conceptualize that the life energy in water is being filled in all over your body and that extracting Prana energy from it, you are absorbing it within yourself. With each sip, mentally pronounce ‘om’. While eating food too follow the same procedure. Chew each morsel thoroughly and while swallowing mentally pronounce ‘om’ with each morsel. (Enunciation of this mantra facilitates absorption of energy.)
2. Use Auto-suggestion by Gazing at your Mirror Image
Standing before a mirror, watch each part of your face minutely. Mentally affirm that your cheeks are radiating energy. Eyes are sparkling. There is a smile on your lips. Nostrils are inhaling pure energized air. Ears are hearing properly. Now open your mouth. Looking into its interior in the mirror and affirm that your tongue likes the taste of only healthy food and utters only pleasant words. Similarly give auto- suggestions for throat, palate, teeth, jaws, gums and salivary glands that these too are active, energized, are functioning properly and will continue to do so in future.
3. Absorb Prana Energy from Space
Choose a lonely place which is neither too cold nor too warm. Keeping minimum clothes required for decency, remove other clothing from the body. Closely look at various parts of your body – your hands, feet, chest, abdomen, waist and other organs. Affirm that these are healthy and strong and be convinced about it. If using oil for massage, affirm that the Prana energy in the oil is being absorbed by the body, making it energized.
4. Meditate on All-pervasive Prana Energy
Go to a quiet, lonely place and relax on an arm chair, or lie down flat on a soft mattress laid on ground or on a raised platform. Let the legs be a little raised by keeping a pillow underneath. Relax the body totally, as though it is made up from a ball of cotton. Make it so relaxed as though it had become dead.
Conceptualize that you are floating in an immense expanse of blue space intensely charged with the energy of Prana. Think yourself lying in absolute solitude. At this moment no thought about any natural feature, manmade object or living being should enter the mind. After a few days practice, it would be possible to achieve such a state of absolute tranquility. When it transpires, a miracle will take place. Within ten to fifteen minutes the body will feel totally relaxed, fresh and invigorated.
5. Acquire Prana Energy by a Hearty Laughter
One more way of potentiating personal field of Prana is to find opportunities for laughing heartily. Besides acquiring surplus Prana from space, laughing accelerates the circulation of energy in the body.
When regularly carried out for a few days, the above exercises result in miraculous benefits. The advantages are far superior to those accrued by using expensive foods or tonics.
The efficacy of the exercises described above lies in the depth of conceptualization and degree of conviction in the result. The promptness and the advantage gained would also be commensurate with the firmness and conviction in the results of affirmations.
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