Magical Benefits of Fasting

For centuries, the tradition of fasting is being followed in India. Our enlightened ancestors and founders of Indian culture decided the days of fasting keeping in mind the importance of the day of the week, or the day of the year, and in accordance with various festivals. They were well aware that fasting on these specific days will help people accumulate unique energies in their bodies, will help in removing the toxins and keep them healthy. Fasting has immense benefits in physical as well as spiritual terms. But we must know that, to attain these benefits it is necessary to enhance our tolerance levels. Fasting is regarded as an inseparable component of higher spiritual practices precisely because of the great spiritual benefits that fasting offers.


There are many types of fasts prescribed that help fulfill our desires, but if pure-selfless emotions also get associated with these fasts then immense spiritual benefits are attained as well. There are two kinds of fasting. First, which is called ‘vrat’, has specific vows and rules associated with it. Every vrat has a different set of rules and do’s and don’ts which are absolutely essential to be followed. The second form is called ‘upavas’ which means renunciation of food and contemplation of the Supreme Soul. The word upavas means being near the Supreme Soul. There are no binding rules and regulations in upavas, so it is not a vrat. However, a vrat can be like an upavas.


Many diseases of different kinds are spreading all over the world these days. This is drawing attention of researchers towards usefulness of fasting as a cure. Many scientists all over the world are now studying and researching on benefits of fasting. Research studies have brought forth the fact that a well-defined process of fasting can be very helpful in attaining good health. Fasting has been found to be beneficial in weight-reduction, controlling high blood pressure, reducing cholesterol, etc.


Obesity is fast becoming a curse today. A large population is falling prey to diseases starting from diabetes, cardiac problems, cancer etc. to other diseases that manifest in older age. As a result, importance of fasting for good health is gaining worldwide attention. Prof. Mark Mattson, Chief of Neuroscience Laboratory of National Institute of Ageing and Professor of Neuroscience in Johns Hopkins University in USA has been conducting research on this topic for many years. He has discovered that fasting helps improve the working of many organs like heart, muscles, intestines etc. and enhances the working capacity of the brain.


According to Prof Mark, during fasting the energy consumption by the body reduces and the brain is able to fight better the diseases of the nervous system that develop with advancing age. Fasting increases memory and happiness, and it also helps in controlling the growth of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases of the brain. Based on a number of years of research Prof Mark has concluded that if we fast for 2 days in a week the capability of hippocampus area of brain increases, which has a direct effect on enhancing our memory. Due to fasting, accumulation of amyloid plaque around the neurons inside the brain is prevented. Amyloid plaque is a type of protein which is found around neurons in the patients of Alzheimer’s disease. According to Prof Mark, fasting strengthens the nervous system which helps a person to fight various problems like depression. Fasting also casts a very positive effect on the entire extent of activities that brain undertakes. Fasting provides well deserved rest to our digestive system for a few hours. It increases efficiency of metabolism of the body. If a person’s digestive powers are weak, his body’s capability to digest fatty substances reduces. Fasting regulates the working of the digestive system and it also improves various metabolic processes inside the body. Research studies have also shown that fasting cures allergy related diseases and is very beneficial in curing diseases of the intestines.


In Ayurveda, like vrat-upavas, there is another special therapy named langhan, which is a process to reduce toxins formed within the body and which helps in their excretion. The word langhan means to bring about a feeling of smallness or lightness in the body. In langhan, as per the disease and the state of a person, food intake is completely stopped for a definite period of time. The purpose behind this is to cleanse all the toxins generated in the body during metabolism leading to increase in the agni tatva (fire element). Some of the benefits of vrat-upavas and langhan are – balanced excretion of stools, urine and apan vayu from the body, enhancement of freshness and energy in the body, upgrading of all processes inside the body, elimination of laziness and tiredness, and attainment of a peaceful, cheerful mind. Specialists say that not everyone can do fasting. For example, pregnant and lactating women, malnourished persons, those suffering from heart related diseases, diabetic people etc. should not fast. During fasting a person has to pay special attention to what he eats. For example, common salt should not be eaten during fasting. Those who cannot manage without salt may use rock salt instead. Water, fruits, fruit juices, lemonade etc. must be taken in liberal amounts during fasting. Consumption of sugar or jaggery Health experts now also believe that if fasting is carried out properly, it is a very good way to keep ourselves healthy. In the tinned, packed food available freely today many chemicals are added by their manufacturers which get accumulated in the body as toxins. Fasting reduces cholesterol and regulates sugar in the body, and helps removal of toxins from organs like liver, pancreas etc. Vrat-upavas also help improve our eating habits and increase resistance to diseases. is permitted but only in a limited quantity. People who take aswad vrat (fasting on food without taste) give up both sugar as well as salt. Different forms of vrat have different rules to be observed. In some, only fruit diet is allowed, in some one meal is skipped, and then there are some in which water is also not taken. The kind of food we consume during fast has its own specific effect on the body. If during fasting someone eats rich deep fried dishes, or eats throughout the day, or drinks insufficient water then the results won’t be anywhere close to expectations. It is necessary to take easily digestible food and a balanced diet during fasting. Foods and beverages that are harmful to the body should not be taken. People who are not careful about what they eat and drink during fasting actually grow weak and unhealthy. Also, we must fast within our capacity to bear hunger and not be overzealous.


Fasting works if we are careful about whatever we take in. And this applies not only to the food for the physical body, but also to the intakes for our mind, our emotional being and our spiritual being too. The correct food for our mind is good thoughts and these are what we should take during fasting. We should completely protect ourselves from negative thinking. The right food for our emotional being is benevolent emotions and we need to reject harmful emotions like anger, jealousy, malice, hatred etc. Finally, good food for the spirit is worship, chanting of mantras, meditation, etc.; and what is unhealthy food is wrong company, which should be avoided.


So, to get the best results during fasting we must be careful about our food and also pay attention to our lifestyle. If required, it is good to seek advice of experts.


Akhand Jyoti English, Mar-Apr 2017

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