The Indian system of healthcare is very ancient. Today its underlying principles are being accepted globally. People now understand that the meaning of health is not only confined to a disease-free state, but extends to provide a comprehensive meaning to life. Disease is merely a symptom, which occurs when there is an abnormality. Therefore, our traditional healthcare system aims to cure the cause, instead of the symptom.
The shortage in the number of healthcare personnel in our country could be estimated by comparing their numbers to that of the world average. The global average of the number of doctors available for every 10,000 people is 14.1; while, in India, this number is restricted to 7. This figure clearly shows how much emphasis we lay on the doctors, who are an important basis of a healthy life. Even more worrying is the fact that the doctors available do not want to go to rural areas because they could not flourish professionally. This is what happens when professionalism enters the service oriented field of healthcare. In such a scenario, health does not remain the primary concern of the doctors, but wealth becomes more important. This is the reason why there is no substantial improvement in the basic health of the people of our country in spite of such costly hospitals.
Total dependence on the Western system of medicine could not solve this problem in a comprehensive manner. This is because the principle of allopathy is to instantly suppress the symptoms somehow. When the effect of the medicines reduces, the ailment appears again. Moreover, the side effects of the medicines on the body further give rise to numerous health challenges. Contrary to this, in the Indian system of medicine, the cause of the ailment is identified and an attempt is made to remove it.
The western countries, where allopathy occupies the supreme place, are now increasingly looking towards alternative therapies. This is because they aim at giving better lives to common people; lay the foundation of better relations between the medical practitioners and patients and to provide better and affordable treatment. Another significant difference is that the alternative therapies provide a new way of healthy living to the patient. This makes him aware; and he resolves to stay healthy.
The masses in America are increasingly looking forward towards the natural way of treatment and this new form is called the ‘Integrated System of Medicine’. Today, a large proportion of the global population is not only moving towards alternative therapies but is also trying to develop new basis for its expansion. About 70% population in Canada, 75% in France, 45% in Australia and 10% in America are being attracted towards this ancient system.
Dean Michael Ornish, an American physician, researcher, speaker, president and founder of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, as well as Clinical Professor has found out a way to cope up with lifestyle disorders and is taking this to the people. He is the first person who has tried to provide research-based evidence to prove that by inculcating pure and constructive emotions, one could cure initial stages of heart diseases, diabetes and cancer. In this work, he got the support of Dr. George Lovith of Britain. Today, he is one of the chief supporters of alternative therapies in Britain. In our country India, Dr. Ranjeet Rai Chaudhari, former director of PGI, Chandigarh is helping the central government in studying, identifying and testing the traditional medicines. According to him, if we could learn to make use of our ancient system of medicine and the vast collection of traditional knowledge, then this could have a substantial impact on our healthcare sector.
The acceptance of alternative therapies on the global level shows that the Indian system of medicine is the best. Now, doctors in the whole world are accepting the fact and truth that a healthy body could be obtained only in a disease free state and the basis of a healthy life could be built only by removing the cause of the disease. As long as the people of our country followed this principle of healthcare, they were healthy and happy. But, with the advent of allopathy, they began neglecting our ancient system. Unfortunately any plan formed for the improvement of the healthcare sector, still focuses mainly on the modern medical science, but no concrete effort is made for improving our own ancient system of medicine.
However, an initiative in this regard was taken in 1995, when the department of Indian medical system and homeopathy was established. In November, 2003, its name was changed to AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy). But, it still needs to be promoted even more. These efforts could play a crucial role in the formation of a healthy India, when emphasis would be laid on comprehensive health education. Such an education system would not only provide the knowledge about the cause and cure of diseases, but would also envisage the guidelines for a healthy life.
In our country, infrastructural improvements in the mainstream medical system could not be brought about that easily. Therefore, an alternative medical system could play a crucial role in realizing the conception of a healthy India. The need is to be aware about our own health and make this ancient and glorious system of medicine a part of our life. This is the basis of a healthy life, by adopting which, we could become healthy and happy and could realize the conception of a healthy India.
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