Simple Treatment of Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. The main problem in the disease is that the cells of the body cannot utilize the glucose properly. Sugar or starch substances are called carbohydrates. These substances taken in form of food are digested and absorbed in the form of glucose. This glucose, absorbed by the intestine, reaches the liver and from here it is distributed to all the body parts, through the medium of blood, in accordance with the need. This process is controlled by the hormone–Insulin. Deficiency of this hormone, secreted from the liver, results in Diabetes i.e. excess amount of sugar in the blood.


The causes of Diabetes

There are two main reasons causing the disease – first is biological and the second being psychological.

As a result of the excesses in the uncontrolled lifestyle the digestive system becomes inactive. Obesity, excessive eating and lack of physical exercise are included in this category. The main reason for the disease is over-inclusion of sugar, sweets and carbohydrates in the diet. The excessive use of these substances inserts undue pressure on the pancreas in form of secretion of extra insulin. When this situation prolongs for long, the activity of pancreas slows down. In spite of the stimulation of excess blood glucose the secretion of insulin decreases.

Due to insufficient glucose the metabolism of sugar gets reduced and consequently, sugar remains dissolved in the blood for a long time. This condition is denoted as high sugar levels. The large amount of sugar is filtered through the kidneys and passed out with urine. This sugar absorbs more water which is sent out with urine. This causes frequent urination and the resultant depletion of water in the system causes excessive thirst. In this state of disease the immune system of the patient weakens and many contagious skin diseases attack. The injuries do not heal properly and eyesight weakens.

The second reason for diabetes is related to stress. The excessive psychological tensions stimulate the adrenal gland. As a result, the secretion of cortico-steroids increases. This is also called stress hormone which continuously enters the blood. This hormone acts as a powerful catalyst resulting in the release of extra glucose in the blood. In order to transport the extra glucose to cells extra insulin is required. This in turn exerts undue pressure on pancreas. Consequently the activity of the gland reduces and the symptoms of diabetes manifest. This situation which is induced by stress is more harmful than the one from biological causes.


Types of Diabetes

This disease is of two types- one found in children and the other found in adults. Diabetes occurring in children is called juvenile diabetes whereas in adults it is called maturity onset diabetes.

Juvenile diabetes – The disease, once rare, has become common because of the wrong life style prevailing in the modern society. The disease is also caused by genetic, viral infection or excessive emotional suffering or psychological shock. The secretion of insulin gets inhibited totally or partially. Due to this, patients become thin, premature adults, sensitive and too logical.

Diabetes in adults –

It is generally seen in those who are tense, obese and physically inactive and who consume more starch, sugar and fat in their diet. Because of the excessive pressure inserted on the liver and pancreas for a long time, the glucose regulation in liver and pancreas gets reduced gradually. Due to this not only the production of insulin gets affected but all the bodily tissue gets immune to the effect of insulin.

The dangers of diabetes –

Insulin acts as a passport to carry sugar to all the cells through blood. Without this our body cells cannot absorb glucose. Due to the deficiency of insulin the glucose present in blood cannot be utilized by body cells. In this condition the cells start utilizing lipids as a source of energy (as a substitute of glucose). Liver starts releasing excess amount of fats and fatty substances. This fat gets deposited in blood vessels. This in turn leads to heart diseases, high blood pressure, blindness, kidney failure, stiffening of arteries, infertility etc. Because of the imbalance in brain and nervous system the characteristics like nervous weakness, lethargy in organs and paralysis crop up. Due to weakening of the immune system contagious diseases, boils, eczema, delayed healing, pus-filled and oozing injuries, gangrene etc appear. In some chronic cases excessive acidity in blood causes diabetic coma and danger of sudden death.

Drug therapy –

For the patients of diabetes, insulin injection before meals and lifelong dependence on insulin becomes necessary. There are many ill-effects of drugs. Excessive intake of insulin lowers the levels of glucose in blood. As the brain cells are dependent on glucose, these cannot tolerate the deficiency of glucose for long. If the glucose levels in blood fall then the brain cells stop functioning and the patient becomes unconscious. In such a condition the patient must consume sweets, sweet drinks or sugar immediately. This is an immediate and alternative arrangement. For permanent cure, Yoga therapy is the simple alternative.

Yoga therapy –

Through the practice of yoga pancreatic gland can revitalize its half- dead beta cells. Activating these cells indicates improvement in the capacity of insulin production and restoration of the balance of blood glucose.

The practice of Pavan muktasan part–1 removes the acid and resistance from each muscle and joint, and facilitates the flow of prana. Pavanamuktasana part-2 activates the internal organs in the abdominal region and digestive system. The practice of Suryanamaskar activates all the glands and, as a producer of Pranashakti, regulates metabolism.

Simple practice of Yoga for one month –

Even though there are individual differences in every patient and as such each patient should consult the yoga therapist for his or her specific treatment, the structure of general practice could be as follows –

1st week –

  1. Pavan muktasan part 1 and 2, Vajrasan.
  2. PranayamaNadi shodhan stage – 1, Bhramari.
  3. Shatkriya – Neti.
  4. Shithalikaran – Abdominal breathing in Shavasan.

2nd week –

  1. Asana – Above mentioned asanas and asanas of Shaktibandh Class as – Nouka sanchalan, Chakki chalan, Rope pulling, Cutting wood, Namaskar, Vayu Nishkasan, Udarakarshan.
  2. Pranayam– Nadi shodhan stage – 2, Bhastrika – 3 cycles (20 breaths per cycle).
  3. Shatkriya Neti and Kunjal.
  4. Shithalikaran – Yoganidra.
  5. MeditationAjapa jap first stage.

3rd week –

  1. Suryanamaskar – according to one’s capacity.
  2. Asan – the group of Vajrasans.
  3. Pranayam – Nadi shodhan – 3rd stage, 5 cycles of Bhastrika with Jalandhar and Moolabandh (30 breaths per cycle) along with antarkumbhak and Jalandhar bandh, Sheetali and Sheetakari (15 cycles each).
  4. Shatkriya– Once poorna Shakh prakshalan followed by daily Laghu shankha prakshalan, Neti and Kunjal.
  5. Shithilikaran – Yoganidra for full one hour.
  6. Dhyan – Ajapa- jap second stage.


4th week –

  1. Suryanamaskar – 12 cycles.
  2. Asan – Sarvangasan, Halasan, Mastyasan, Paschimottasan, Ardhamastyendrasan, Mayurasan, Bhujangasan, Gomukhasan. All these asans have been described in the previous installments.
  3. Pranayam – Nadishodhan 4th stage with mahabandh, Bhastrika with Antahkumbhak, Bahirkumbhak and mahabandh, Sheetali and Sheetakari.
  4. Shatkriya – Neti, Kunjal and laghu shakha prakshalan daily.
  5. Shithalikaran – Yoganidra and Pranavidya.
  6. Dhyan – Ajapa- Jap third stage.


Other useful precautions-

  1. FoodSatwik, vegetarian and easily digestible. In this carbohydrate, starch and sugar should be in minimal quantities. Rice, potatoes and all sweet foods are restricted. Spices, oil, milk and milk products are to be consumed in lesser quantities. Chapatis made up of wheat flour with chokar (fiber content) and boiled green leafy vegetables should be consumed. Salad and fruits can be consumed.
  2. Exercise – Daily walking in open air is beneficial.
  3. Insulin – After second week of yoga practice urine should be got tested to confirm that glucose levels have come down and then, as per doctor’s advice, the quantity of insulin can be reduced.
  4. Drugs – In course of Yoga practice the sugar reducing medicines should be reduced gradually and later these can be stopped. In this regard advice of doctors should be followed.
  5. Time – Practice of yoga and food regulations must be continued at least for 6 months. This will prevent reoccurrence of the disease.
  6. Thus, the regular practice of yoga can control the disease of diabetes. Paying attention to the lifestyle, and thoughts and practices (achar- vichar) is mandatory.

If the above mentioned course is followed regularly then normal health can be regained.


Akhand Jyoti English, July – Aug 2009

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