This ailment happens due to irregularities in the functioning of liver. Such irregularities occur when innumerable cells of the liver,...
Archive for tag: Akhand Jyoti
Yoga Instills Self-discipline
Maharshi Patanjali was so deeply engrossed in study, reflection and research of the yogic science that he had forgotten himself....
Simple Treatment of Diabetes
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. The main problem in the disease is that the cells of the body cannot utilize...
Yoga Therapy for Intestinal Ulcer and Ulcerative Colitis
Colitis and severe gastro-enteritis are the major diseases of digestive system. Colitis denotes many intestinal disorders. This is also called...
Yogic Therapy of Peptic Ulcer
This disease crops up due to chronic hyper-acidity and manifests as burning sensation in the stomach. This is a wound...
Cure of digestive disorders through Yoga
Healthy digestive system is the basis of physical and mental health. This system provides the foundation for our healthy and...
Hernia can be cured through Yoga
Outward projection of any internal organ of the body through a hole or opening is known as Hernia. This is...
Yogic Treatment of Slip-disk and Sciatica
Slip-disk and sciatica are the other diseases of muscular and skeletal system. In this sequence of yoga therapy we shall...
Treatment of Arthritis through Yoga
Arthritis is a disease of joints in which, especially in synovial joint, swelling and pain crop up. The disease makes...
Spondylitis: A common ailment that can be cured through Yoga
Readers are well acquainted with the theoretical background of yoga therapy. Everyone is convinced of the utility and efficacy of...