The discipline of Yoga, Yagya & Ayurveda has its basis thousands of years ago, long before the first religions or belief systems were born. Yoga is a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind & body. Ayurveda is the art and science of healthy living. Yagya – fire is a scientific method of subtilization of matter into energy and expanding its potential and positive effects on the surrounding atmosphere. All activities in the limitless expansion of the universe are said to have been generated from a grand eternal Yajna(Yagya). Atharva Veda (9.15.14) describes Yagya as Ayam Yajna Vishvasya Bhuvanasya Nabheehiâ implying Yagya is the fundamental process of manifestation of nature. ICYYA2022 aims to bring together scholars, researchers, scientists, yogis, spiritual gurus, professionals, and practitioners to exchange their experiences, thoughts, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of yoga, yagya , and ayurveda for holistic health and environment.
Visit Conference Website http://shriramyogasociety.com/icyya2022/